1. Safety First
First, assess injuries and damage. If there are injuries or excessive damage, you should call 911. In this case, don’t move the vehicles until the police arrive. Or, if there is a question of liability, leave the vehicles in place to help the police determine what happened. On the other hand, if it’s a minor car accident with no injuries, you can move the vehicles to the right side of the road when it is safe to do so.

2. Call the Police
Don’t ever allow anyone at the scene to convince you otherwise. If it is a minor car accident, calling your local police at the regular number is ideal (Regina police 306-777-6500). If you don’t have your local police number in your phone, calling 911 is acceptable. Remember to record the police report number and name of the reporting officer.

3. Determine the Extent of Damage or Injuries
Try to stay calm. You must be able to carefully assess injuries and vehicular damage. If necessary, you can take photos of every vehicle involved in the collision.

4. Exchange Information
Acquiring too much information is better than too little. Get the other driver’s name, phone number, driver’s license number, and license plate number. Write down the description of the vehicle including the year, make, model, colour, and visible damage. Most cell phones are now equipped with a camera; take photographs of the damage to each vehicle. Try to include each vehicle’s license plate number in the photos.

5. Make a Personal Record ASAP
Next, put all the information you received at the scene of the accident into a comprehensive, written record. Write down everything you remember, from the weather, road conditions, how the accident happened, and a diagram. Later, this will help you file a claim with your insurance company.

6. Discuss the Car Accident Only With the Police
It is important to limit your discussion of the accident and not to admit any fault or liability. Discussing the accident with others can lead to unreliable recollection about what happened. You should talk about the accident with the police and SGI only.

7. File an Accident Report With the Police
Even in a minor car accident, it is important to make sure there is a legal accident report. So you shouldn’t leave the scene until the police file a full report.

8. Call SGI Dial a Claim 1-800-647-6448
Call from the scene with the police present, if possible. Sometimes the police officer can give SGI more accurate information. This can save you a lot of time later waiting for your claim to be processed.
SGI will set up an appointment at one of their claims centres (East or Northwest) to write up an estimate of the damage. If your car is not drivable, a tow truck will take your vehicle to the commercial claims centre on Fleet Street. You can also use UCC’s Mobile Estimate Service. We can come to your home or work to give you a convenient quote on the spot!

9. Call Universal Collision Centre 306-525-6000 or toll free 1-888-484-9UCC (9822)
We have a great working partnership with SGI and we are just a quick 3 minute drive from the Northwest claims centre. Once you have an estimate from SGI, bring it to us, so we can book your repairs right away. Scan your estimate and email it to us at [email protected] or fax us 306-543-9UCC (9822). Please attach your full name and phone number, once we have received your information, one of our Collision Repair Advisors will call you to set an appointment. We can help you answer any accident-related questions and we can set up a car rental.

What Not to Do
1. Don’t discuss fault
Do not ever admit fault, to any driver or the police. Explain what happened to the officer. Then, let the officer, insurance companies, and attorneys determine who caused the accident.
2. Don’t post details on social media
Finally, stay off social media. Insurance companies may review your postings on social media outlets in an attempt to gather more information. So, don’t discuss the accident online.
We're Here To Help!
The staff here at UCC is happy to help get you back on the road as soon as possible.