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vacuum your vehicle like a pro

Spring is over and if you’ve been procrastinating to clean the interior of your vehicle, it’s definitely overdue. The summer months are the best time to get your interior vacuumed out and get into all those hard-to-reach places that have been collecting dirt all winter. You can set up on your driveway and not have to worry about finding a heated car wash with a vacuum. Read on for our handy vehicle vacuuming tips.

Finding the Best Vacuum

There are several options to take your vehicle to a shop and have someone clean it for you, like the experts at UCC, but we understand you’re not going to pay someone to professionally clean your vehicle every time a bit of dirt builds up. However, it’s a good option to take your vehicle to a professional shop at least once a year to get a good deep clean.

So first things first, you’ll want to have a good vacuum that will make your life easier. No one likes wasting their time with a vacuum that doesn’t work properly. The good news is you don’t necessarily have to break the bank on an automotive vacuum. Most range from $20-$50 and have several different features like different sized bags, cordless, etc.

Top rated vehicle vacuums on Amazon:

  1. Dirt Devil Scorpion Quick Flip Corded, Bagless, handheld vacuum – $26.75
  2. Armour All 2.5 Gallon, Utility Wet/Dry Vacuum – $39.99

  3. Eureka EasyClean Lightweight Handheld Vacuum – $42.99

Time to De-Clutter

After you choose the right vehicle vacuum, you’ll want to do a good scan of your interior and take any personal belongings out. Tidy up any garbage or fast food wrappers you may have been collecting so they don’t get in the way of the vacuum. If you’re one of those people who always say “I’ll take that out of the car tomorrow,” and we all are, this is the opportunity to take out any unwanted stuff you’ve been hauling around for no reason.

Once everything is out of the vehicle, the next step is taking out your floor mats. They will most likely be the dirtiest part of your vehicle since everyone tracks dirt in and out on their shoes. Take out all four and set them on the driveway or hang them on those handy clips on the wall if you’re at the car wash. Save these for later.

Getting Started

You’ll want to begin by opening all your doors for easy access and start vacuuming each section of floor. Use a brush attachment on your vacuum, if possible, as this will stir up any dirt/debris and get you a deeper clean compared to using just a flat nozzle.

After you’ve completed vacuuming the floorboards in all directions to ensure getting all the dirt, you can move on to the seats. Run the vacuum along the upholstery and try to sweep the bristles in any cracks and crevices. Be sure to recline the seats to get in those uncommon areas where dirt and food often collects.  

When finishing up the job, don’t forget to vacuum the floor mats. Shake them out first be sure to get all the heavy dirt or any small rocks out of the carpet. This will loosen everything and make the job easier when you take the vacuum to it. Do this on both sides of all floor mats. Once when you’re done the floor mats, move on to any other areas that may be lacking attention like the trunk, dashboard, or any vents.

Looks Like New Again

We’re not sure about you, but we love the feeling when your vehicle is clean and it feels new again. Especially if you cleaned it yourself, it definitely feels like a great accomplishment. If you don’t have access to a vacuum, or maybe have a job that’s just too large for you to tackle, give the UCC experts a call. We’d be happy to clean your vehicle in our state-of-the-art Auto Spa!