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January, the month of resolutions. We can bet that you’ve heard of weight loss resolutions or maybe giving up watching too much TV, but how many people think about their vehicles? Here are some helpful maintenance tips so you can love your vehicle more in the new year.

Don’t Skip the Winter Wash

This winter has been a bit strange this year, at least in Saskatchewan. The wind is strong enough to knock you over one day, and it feels like Spring the next. This up-and-down weather only means one thing, okay maybe two. Global warming (cough, cough) and slushy roads!

How many vehicles have you seen on the road lately that look like a completely different colour? That’s the mud-shade. If slushy snow has taken over your vehicle, it’s best not to leave it on there for days on end. It can potentially affect the paint job of your vehicle and even cause rust in the future.

We know it can get expensive washing your car every few days, but a rinse at the very least could go a long way.

Pro tip: be cautious when driving. Stay more than a few feet behind the vehicle in front of you and be extra careful to avoid potholes that could be filled with dirty water. Steer clear from puddles, but don’t get yourself into an accident doing so.

Show the Interior Some Love, Too

It’s great to wash your vehicle every couple of weeks to remove slush and other buildups, but don’t forget about the inside of your vehicle. Think about all that dirt and slush you’ve dragged into your car, too. We’re talking floor mats, the side of the driver’s door, maybe the backseats if you have kids or a pet.

All it takes is a good wipe-down, but if you really want to get a good, deep clean, treat your vehicle and bring it to UCC’s Auto Spa. Not to toot our own horn, but we’ve had countless reviews attesting to our great cleaning services. Why not give it a try?

Service and Repairs

Make January the month that you create a realistic plan to repair any outstanding damage on your vehicle. If you don’t have insurance, vehicle repairs can get costly, but who wants to drive around with a damaged car?

Maybe it’s a headlight, or a scratch on along the passenger door. Whatever it is, book your vehicle in for a FREE estimate at UCC and our trained technicians will take a look at your situation.

It’s also a great time to think about treating your car to an overall health check. Take your vehicle to our neighbours at Capital (GMC, Ford, or Quick Lane) and have them check fluids, tire pressure, wheel alignments and more. Allow your car to feel like new again!

New Year, Clean Car

Everyone knows the cliche phrase, “new year, new me,” but what about new year, clean car? You don’t have to get a new vehicle for your car to feel new again. Show your ride a little love this month and make a resolution to focus on maintenance. Your wallet will ultimately thank you in the long run. And don’t forget, if you ever need professional detailing or maybe some advice, don’t hesitate to contact us!