North: 306-525-6000 | Central: 306-757-7044 [email protected]

Book Your Claim Online

Make sure you have your SGI Claim number if claiming through your insurance!

Use the form below to request an appointment and book in your SGI vehicle claim online. Our staff will get back to you to confirm your appointment and start your vehicle repair process.

We have TWO Universal Collision locations to serve U better. Don’t forget to pick which location to send your request to.

Please choose which UCC Location you'd like this claim to be sent to.

Your information

Preferred method of contact(Required)
Opt-In to receive future promotions and offers from UCC(Required)
You may unsubscribe at any time.

Vehicle Information

Please enter a number from 1900 to 2030.
Full claim number including letters, prefixes, and numbers. Eg: RNSK001234

General Damage Description

Where is the damage on your vehicle?(Required)
Select all that apply.
Provide a description of how the damage related to this claim was caused. This helps UCC ensure all possible damaged areas are inspected.